
Pocket planner with Andrews McMeel

I'm really delighted to tell you about a new product I have coming out in 2017. Andrews McMeel Publishing have licensed two of my dramatic floral patterns to use in their Posh calendar range.

The image above will be the front cover design and a co-ordinating pattern will appear on the inside pages. The Posh planners are a really lovely range, you can find them on Amazon. I can't wait to see mine for real.

Great day, great news

I'm excited to be able to announce that I've been working with the lovely people at Workman Publishing on the 2018 version of their popular Today Is Going To Be A Great Day calendar.

More than 30 illustrators have contributed to this fun page-a-day calendar. I had a blast choosing and illustrating ten uplifting phrases for my days. Just another 471 days until it's 2018...!

The cover of the 2017 calendar. You'll have to wait until 2018 to see mine!

The cover of the 2017 calendar. You'll have to wait until 2018 to see mine!